People First Tourism, Dashboard Analytics 1st Quarter 2015

Championing Big Data Business Analytics:Leveraging competitive advantage for Recreation and Tourism Micro Entrepreneurship

Problem Statement:
In this age of information mastery, enterprises routinely seek to obtain competitive advantages through interpretation and strategic big data analysis of consumers and markets. Analytic competency is, however, an institutional skill that is not inherent in many, smaller organizations. The largest, perennially profitable businesses in the world owe their success not to managerial instinct or visionary guidance, but largely to big data analysis. Analytic advantage is contingent on intentional cultivation of an information management and data-oriented culture within an organization (Kiron & Shockley, 2011). Micro entrepreneurs (ME's) and small-scale business owners in recreation and tourism markets, in many cases, lack sufficient resources, knowledge, or training to grow or maintain profitability. In a recent study of Malaysian micro enterprises, it was reported that the leading causes of small business failure was lack of competitive ability, poor financial literacy, and lack of marketing skills (Jamak, Ibrahim, Salleh & Noor, 2014).
People-First-Tourism (P1T) is an initiation of North Carolina State University and North Carolina Cooperative Extension providing a marketplace for micro level tourism entrepreneurs who earn their livelihood selling tourism services in local markets around the world. History has shown that small-scale, local involvement in tourism destination development is paramount to the sustainability and protection of local interests and cultures (Laws, 1995). By promoting well-being and sustainability, P1T also strives to nurture micro businesses by providing information management and analytic expertise, to give ME's a competitive edge in their respective markets.
P1T is connected to micro enterprises through local empowerment agents who interact with small local businesses and act as remote intermediaries. In a quarterly report, P1T publishes a digest of analytical insight and discovery that is disseminated to P1T partners and empowerment agents around the world. This report, entitled “People First Tourism, Dashboard Analytics,” (First Quarter 2015) provides agents with visualizations and insight into consumer behavior and preference by analyzing transaction data of visitors on the P1T website, Google Analytics, and P1T social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. Through market value analysis, P1T agents offer, if needed, open market valuation analysis to inform entrepreneurs with competitive rate estimates. Owing to the global scale of P1T, visualization and interpretive reporting of analytical data promotes maximum dissemination to culturally diverse audiences.
P1T empowerment agents provide counseling to enhance ME’s marketing image. Many P1T proprietors fill niche markets in very rural areas. Oftentimes consumer may be completely unaware of authentic tourism opportunities available in a destination. This disconnect between local cultures and livelihoods is disastrous for the health and well-being of indigenous communities in and around a destination (Laws, 1995). Through P1T, ME's receive increased market exposure to the thoughtful and discerning tourism consumer.
Through analysis of a variety of data sources, P1T strives to leverage empowerment and advantage to micro level businesses operating in tourism destinations around the world. This analysis provides ME’s with information of where potential visitors are from and the changes in awareness of the P1T offers. It also documents how the visitors find the site.
Jamak, A. B. S. A., Ibrahim, M. Y., Salleh, R., & Noor, A. M. (2014). Marketing and financial competencies of malaysian malays micro-entrepreneurs. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 5(3), 218-223. doi:
Kiron, D., & Shockley, R. (2011). Creating business value with analytics. MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(1), 57-63. Retrieved from

Laws, E. (1995). "Tourist destination management: issues, analysis and policies." in Tourist destination management: issues, analysis and policies. (0-415-10591-9, 978-0-415-10591-0), (p. 224).
Gene Brothers, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Equitable and Sustainable Tourism
NC State University
Shaun, Fisher, M.S. Student 
Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
NC State University


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